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Learn How To Master Your Mind, Thoughts And Emotions To Break Through Barriers, Shatter Limitations And Finally Achieve Success

Powerful techniques explained in the context of a story to help you absorb the information almost without knowing it.    Find yourself applying these techniques as you read along and notice the changes as a result.

Are you ready to take control of your brain to work with it rather than against it to achieve your goals?  


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Proof That This Is Working!

See Just A Few Success Stories From My Students

Will You Be My Next Success Story?

What's Inside The Book?

Chapter 1

An introduction to the world of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and other methods that allow for personal change.

Chapter 2

Procrastination is the number 1 dream killer. Beat it using the methods shared in this chapter.

Chapter 3

Learn how to instantly access confidence, happiness, focus, and any state you desire at any time.

Chapter 4

 How often has a lack of confidence held you back? Be comfortable outside of your comfort zone to break barriers.

Chapter 5

We all have an inner critic that tries to thwart our success. Learn how to get them onside to support you!

Chapter 6

  Understand your conscious and subconscious minds so you can take control of the ship.

Chapter 7

Communicate more effectively by understanding how we process information so you are understood.

Chapter 8

  Learn how to deal with fear of failure and be surprised why many subconsciously fear success!  Could this be limiting you?

Chapter 9

If you have ever felt overwhelmed or stressed learn this simple technique to neutralise it fast!

Chapter 10

  Learn why and how  beliefs shape your life and why for lasting change your beliefs are the place to start.

Chapter 11

Learn about Meta Models -learn to work with your brain the way it wants to work.  A jet doesn't fly so well with the wrong fuel!

Chapter 12

  Many of us suffer from imposter syndrome at some time in our lives.   You won't have to any more after you read this chapter.

Chapter 13

Learn how we go beyond typical goal-setting methods to dramatically increase your chances of success.  

Chapter 14

  In this chapter I look at some of the controversy around these methods and why you may have been mislead.

Chapter 15

Have you ever lacked motivation for something you wanted to do?  You may not be tapping into what genuinely drives you.

Chapter 16

  Decisions decisions!

Answer these four simple questions when you have a tough decisokn to make to help you get clarity.

Chapter 17

Using virtual time travel we can go back and remove old blocks.  This powerful method can change your future.

Chapter 18

Common cognitive biases. Learn how our brains have to do certain things that may not always serve us. Knowledge is power.

Chapter 19

Frequently asked questions and a glossary to further your understanding of these life-changing methods.

Chapter 20

  My personal approach to helping people achieve their dreams. Remember, I speak from over seven years of experience, so I know it works..

Hi, I'm Paul Turner, the author of "Mind Mastery Magic."

Back in 2016, I was running a failing business and found myself disliking my clients. I was broke, constantly complaining, and despite working hard, I felt inexplicably blocked. Then, my wife and I enrolled in a course focused on Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).

These methods transformed my life!

My income tripled, I realized a 13-year-long dream of moving to a beautiful part of the UK, and I was invited to speak on stage, teaching these methods to entrepreneurs building online businesses. Plus, I'm now much happier and more relaxed!

Having qualified in NLP, I delved deeper, investing thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours in researching and practicing related methods. Initially, my intention was to use these techniques solely for personal growth, but it became hard not to share.

People noticed the changes in me and my circumstances, and they started asking questions. They wanted to know more about the methods I had learned, how they could apply them, and if I could teach or coach them.

This book is one way I can share this powerful information, allowing you to discover more. Watch the videos above to hear from just some of the people I've worked with to get an idea of what can happen for you.

Most importanly - enjoy the journey!

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